2014 in Numbers

Before really planning for 2015, it is worth to look back at 2014.

Web site traffic in
Site                        November 2013        November 2014    Change
http://perlmaven.com/       117,987               246,833          +109%
                             86,703               179,870          +107%
                             61,859               114,975           +85%

http://tracert.com/          80,439                61,147
                             24,018                19,828
                             19,878                16,717

http://padre.perlide.org/    32,333                30,075
                             12,593                12,606
                             10,600                10,587

http://dwimperl.com/         11,690                11,465
                              8,260                 8,195
                              7,037                 7,503

http://perltv.org/           10,715                 1,032
                              7,835                   703
                              5,686                   549

http://szabgab.com/           8,209                 3,372
                              5,239                 2,629
                              4,314                 2,324

http://perlweekly.com/        3,667                 3,367
                              1,988                 1,819
                              1,274                 1,257

http://perl6maven.com/        1,582                 2,473
                                584                   929
                                461                   798

http://edumaven.com/              0                 9,186

http://code-maven.com/            0                   180
Total (pageviews)           266,629               369,130      +38%

Among these the change in the PerlTV is basically random. It has a lot of visitors when I post new entries which apparently happend in November 2013 and has very few visitors when I don't actively promote it.

Articles published

Site count
Perl Maven 153
Tracert 1
Perl Maven 3
szabgab.com 30
blogs.perl.org 30

The objective for 2015 is to reach a total of 1,000,000 pageviews. In order to reach this I've already started to post at least one article every day, though I maybe need more of thoes, but that won't be enough. I need to work on other reasons for people to visit my sites, besides the articles I write.

I will also have to work on the Tracert site to start gaining visitors again.